Evènement: Workshop Inserm avec CIPHE
Modèles murins innovants appliqués à l’infectiologie et à l’immuno-oncologie : les souris humanisées
ORGANISATION : Pôle Infrastructures de l’Inserm
Mercredi 4 octobre 2017 de 9h00 à 12h30
> Voir les présentations en vidéo
Develop the first gene functional encyclopedia of the mouse immune system
Founding member of the national infrastructure PHENOMIN and the cluster Marseille Immunopole (MI), the Immunophenomique Center (CIPHE) is an advanced services platform of Inserm (US012), the CNRS (UMS3367) and Aix Marseille University (AMU). It contributes to the development of the first functional encyclopedia of mouse genes associated with immune response.
Its mission is at the heart of a global project of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)1: to understand the implication of our genes in major diseases, mice and human genomes being 99 percent identical.
Generate pre-clinical models and characterize the immune response in the living world
CIPHE leans on scientific experts and integrated platforms to generate and analyze in an extensive and standardized way, mouse models of interest. This expertise is crucial to broaden our understanding of the gene functions involved in immune responses under normal and pathological conditions. The Center offers its academic and industrial partners custom-made technological solutions :
- Transgenic mouse models engineering
- Clinical data immunomonitoring
- In vivo analysis of immune responses under infectious conditions within the Biosafety Level 3 laboratory
Accelerate the identification and evaluation of new therapeutic targets against inflammatory and infectious diseases and tumors
CIPHE developed a configuration and a unique economic model enabling collaborations with national and international research institutes, an expertise also available under contract for industrials.
By contributing to international networks dedicated to phenogenomics CIPHE acquired extended skills in technology watch and R&D, a great opportunity to remain a leader in the field of the functional genetics of the immune system.
CIPHE has an experienced team of 60 employees composed of engineers and technicians.
1The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) is an international scientific endeavour to create and characterize the phenotype of 20,000 knockout mouse strains. Launched in September 2011 the consortium consists of over 15 research institutes across four continents with funding provided by the NIH, European national governments and the partner institutions. More information about IMPC www.mousephenotype.org
Ciphe in pictures
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Céline Voisin, Jean Philippe Tissier-Seta,
Photos : Guilhem Malissen
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Twitter Bootstrap 3